Покана за MTB Thassos Cup 2011

Днес получихме информацията за предстоящото седмо издание на традиционното състезание по планинско колоездене на остров Тасос, което с всяка година печели все повече почитатели и сред българите – били те състезатели, или просто запалени любители. А в последните години заедно с него се провежда и шосейна обиколка на острова. Датите, както обикновено, са в края на април и началото на май, а подробностите можете да прочетете в следващите редове – на английски език, както сме ги получили, тъй като се предполага, че трябва да го владеете поне донякъде, за да можете да се запишете и да участвате безпроблемно. На всички, които ще се отзоват на поканата, пожелаваме приятна почивка, съчетана със здраво каране!


30th April-1st May 2011

Thassos, host of the Mtb Thassos Cup, invites you again, this year at the 7th Mountain bike cup (ΜΤΒ THASSOS CUP) and ”TOUR OF THASSOS” road race (95 km)



The route “Trikorfos ascent” will be no different from last year. 56 km with more than 1800 m, 12 km of singeltracks and 4 check points in the mountain of Ypsarion!

The route of “TOUR OF THASSOS” will be around the perimetric asphalt road of thassos starting from Potos direction to Limenaria.The first 68 km will be all cycling in a group and after the 68 km (Golden beach) will be given the start of the race.

Participation Conditions

The MTB Thassos Cup and the “TOUR OF THASSOS” is an open race, so there are no specific requirements for participating.

Considering the difficulty of the route, a good physical condition is needed, as well as the necessary race equipment and many tubes…


-Teenagers 15-18 (a parent/ chaperon signature must be provided)

-Men 18-35

-Veterans 35+



The first 3 of each category will receive a trophy cup.

The 4th, 5th & 6th place of each category will receive a metal.

Participation Cost

Participation cost for MTB Thassos Cup is 15 euro and includes the following:

– Mtb Thassos cup T-shirt

– Participation diploma.

– Participation souvenir

– suport during the race

Participation Cost for the TOUR OF THASSOS” is 20 Euro including:

-Participation diploma.

-Participation souvenir

-T-Shirt from the race to all participants

-support during the race


Athletes and anyone interested in participating at the race must send an e-mail at the organization, including the following: Name, Address, Nationality, Birth date and contact telephone numbers.

Participations will be open until the 20/04/11.

Settlements will be paid at the hotels owners.

Several hotels and rented rooms will offer 1 or 2 overnights from 10 to 20 euro per person during the days of the race. Participants must take care of their accommodation, as Mtb Thassos cup has no responsibility of accommodating them.

A list of settlements as well as the altitudes of the race can be found the next days at http://www.mtb-thassos.com

-The MTB-THASSOS CUP race will accept this year 200 participants.

-The “TOUR OF THASSOS” road race will accept this year 150 participants.

-A list with the participants numbers will be found on the mtb-thassos.com

-The enrolment for both races will start from 16th of January 2011.


For More information about the race you can call 00306970015966 & 00306946955704. Participations and the necessary details, must be sent at the following e-mails:

[email protected] & [email protected]


Yannis Reizis, Nikos Kitrinos




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